The NESA Distinguished Service Award is the highest national recognition bestowed upon its members for exceptional leadership and service. This award acknowledges their profound impact on a national or territorial level through unwavering commitment to NESA, active promotion of Eagle Scouting, continuous involvement in Scouting, and enthusiastic support for young individuals pursuing the rank of Eagle Scout. These awards are limited, and unused quotas do not carry forward to subsequent years. Presented of the Distinguished Service Award occur during the BSA’s Annual National Meeting.
The history of the NESA Distinguished Service Award is a testament to its significance. It was established in 1976 and celebrated 25 remarkable honorees between 1976 and 1989. However, a substantial reorganization of the National NESA committee led to the suspension of the award, only to be reintroduced in 2020. This revival has been met with widespread enthusiasm and support from across the nation, aiming to acknowledge better the contributions of Volunteers and professional leaders in advancing NESA and the Eagle Scout Award on a national scale.
The 2022 class consisted of:
- Dr. Brad Epstein
- Clark Fetridge
- Capt. James Lovell, USN, Ret.
- Dr. Michael Manyak
- Richard W. Pfaltzgraff
Download the list of additional DSA recipients at the bottom of the page.
Please submit your nominations for the 2023 class by October 31, 2023, using the nomination form provided below. Completed nominations can be emailed to
DSA Recipients
December 2023
DSA Nomination Form
2022 Revision