Leadership and Staff - The National Eagle Scout Association

Leadership and Staff

Interested in supporting NESA? Contact your local Council to serve on the local committee. No local committee? Work with your Scouting professionals to create one! Contact us at NESA@Scouting.org.

  • Bray Barnes, NESA Affiliates & Catalyst
  • Richard Bragga, Advisory
  • David Briscoe, Ph.D., NESA Affiliates
  • Dr. Ken King, Special Projects
  • Joseph M. Kruzan, Jr., Affiliates & NESA Firefighters
  • Jay Lenrow, Esq., Member
  • Michael J. Manyak, MD, World Explorers
  • Ian Romaine, Ph.D., Alumni Liaison
  • Hon Pete Sessions, NESA Government Relations
  • Hon Glenn G.T. Thompson, NESA Government Relations
  • Matthew Wallace, NESA National Support Staff

Awards & Recognition Support Subcommittee

  • John Beebe, Sr
  • Jay Bottorff
  • Bruce Hamous

Communications & Marketing Subcommittee

  • Amber Best, Social Media
  • Trevor Bormann, Lead, Web Content Development
  • Joshua Dick, Lead, International NESA
  • John Green, At-Large
  • Hon. Jose (“Cheo”) Rivera, Lead, Hispanic Outreach

NESA National E-mail Response Team

  • Jay Bottorff

Special Events Support Subcommittee

  • Steve Silbiger, NOAC & Jamboree Coordinator
Last Updated: 4 months ago

Local NESA Committee Addition or Update Request

Use of this email will be for internal NESA Communications and will not be public facing.
Use of this email will be for internal NESA Communications and will not be public facing.