Organizational Structure

BSA Alumni Association
At the national level, the BSA Alumni Association is led by the national BSA Alumni Association Committee. The national committee is organized into areas that provide direction to the national programs of the BSA Alumni Association, coordinate national alumni events and initiatives, coordinates the work amongst the Scouting Groups and Career Groups above, and develops communications, recruiting, and engagement programs at every level of the BSA.
National Committee roles include the following: the national chair, who is selected and confirmed by the Boy Scouts of America national president; the four Vice Chairs appointed and confirmed by the BSA Foundation who also serve as Members of the BSA Foundation’s Trustees. Each of the 4 Vice Chairs have Leads for specific functions and committee members to advance certain functions. These Leads and national committee members are appointed by the chairman. Additionally non-voting BSA Alumni Association key volunteers are appointed by BSA AA Chair or vice-chairs for service on their respective committees and confirmed by the BSA AA national committee. All Members and Key Volunteers of the BSA National Alumni Association have written goals and are appointed annually for their service.

National Service Territories Alumni Leads
Each NST has a optional lead, who is jointly recruited by the NST president and the National Chairman. Each is tasked with direct support of the Council Alumni/ NESA committees. The NST lead has dual responsibilities both to the National BSA Alumni Committee though the Vice Chair of the Alumni Relations as well as to support the NST through robust delivery of Alumni, Affiliate, Affinity, and Council programming.
These NST leads will be helped by the BSA Ambassadors. The BSA Ambassadors have been recruited to create a network of passionate, dedicated, and trained volunteers to assist the BSA in its alumni outreach efforts, and to help ensure that every council has an active and successful BSA Alumni and NESA Committee operating to support the councils.

Council Alumni and NESA Committees
Councils are where the heart of the Alumni Program is located. Every Council has organized an Alumni and or NESA Committee that directs Alumni actions within the councils. Many of these committees encompass and support the Council NESA committee, the Camp Staff association, and support to units in their own Reunion efforts. Working with the Council Executive and the Council executive board each council committee does what it can to augment and supplement the Scouting program. Many of these include activities like:
- social activities
- business networking
- mentoring
- recognition events
- community service opportunities
All in that effort to help bring our Alumni back to the program and further support our young people.
The Boy Scouts of America believes that alumni provide the greatest resource to ensuring Scouting remains strong for future generations. Therefore, most council Alumni / NESA chairs are members of their respective council executive boards. You can reach out to your local Scouting Alumni / NESA committee by simply entering your zip code below to find your local council’s contact information and requesting to speak with the local Scouting Alumni or NESA committee representative.
Contact Your Local Council
Address: aaa
ZIP Code:
Phone No:
We want to thank you in advance for your interest and look forward to meeting you at one of our upcoming activities. Enter your ZIP code below to find local Scouting units and where you can get involved!