NESA Silver Wreath Award
In the mid-1970s, the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) committee established the NESA Silver Wreath Award for service to NESA. Local Councils with active NESA Committees may recognize individual leadership and/or service by committee members via the Silver Wreath Award. The award was suspended in the 1980s and reinstated in late 2023.

I’m honored and humbled to have been presented the Silver Wreath Award as a young female Scout. Serving Scouting with a positive mindset has allowed me to mentor other scouts on their journey to Eagle. This award has influenced me to continue serving others and NESA with dedication.
Amber Best | Eagle Class of 2022
Silver Wreath, NESA Life Member | Crossroads of America Council
National Office Confirmation
Before a Silver Wreath recipient may be notified, all applications must be submitted to the national office in order for NESA staff members to verify the recipient’s Eagle Scout status and to ensure that the nomination is within the council’s current-year quota. Approval is based on the date the application is received at the national office. All Silver Wreath nomination forms must be received by the national office in the calendar year in which the council has the quota available to award it. Nomination quotas must be used by December 31.
The nominee will not be recognized as a Silver Wreath recipient until the application has been filed with the national office and credentials returned to the council.
Guidelines for Approving a Nomination
Recipients must be a member in good standing of NESA for at least two years. Each Council NESA Committee may nominate two awards per calendar year. Where one of the Key Three is nominated the other two members must approve. No more that one of the Key Three can be nominated in a calendar year and in such cases, the individual considered from among the Key Three cannot take part in the selection process.
The National NESA Committee may also use discretion to independently select and approve two awards per sub-committee to recognize NESA activity/service that extends beyond the local Council NESA Committee, such as within territory, and/or national levels. The National NESA Committee may also grant this award upon approval of the NESA President and does not count towards the Council allotment of Silver Wreath of the year awards.
Nominees may earn the NESA Silver Wreath Award one time only. The Silver Wreath may not be granted posthumously.
Silver Wreath Recipients
Coming Soon
Silver Wreath Nomination Form
December, 2023
- Provide as much information as necessary using the space on this form.
- Two supporting letters (max. of 2) or recommendation may be attached not to exceed one page.
- Supporting letters are accepted electronically and should provide supporting evidence of worthiness to be honored with the NESA Silver Wreath Award recognition; not just personal recommendations, endorsements, or recapitulation of the nomination.
- Council nominee actively participate in NESA activities at the time of nomination.
Submitting a Nomination
Councils should email nominations to Each individual’s nomination should be saved in it’s own PDF and include nomination form and any supporting letters of recommendation.
Reporting Recipients
Upon completion of the nomination form, and approval by the local NESA committee, the council NESA committee will submit the completed application to the National Eagle Scout Association, located in the national office of the Boy Scouts of America. Upon verification of the contents of the nomination, the national office will email a certificate to the Scout executive. Please allow two to four weeks for turnaround time.
Award Items
A printable certificate will be emailed to the council. Councils may purchase the Silver Wreath medal, lapel pin, and device on the National Supply Group B2B website, or by calling customer service at 1-800-323-0736. The item numbers are medal (661090), lapel pin (661091), and device (661092).