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Eagle News You Can Use
Eagle Scout & NESA stories curated for Eagles like you.

Joshua Batten: Eagle Scout and Veteran
By: scoutingalumni.org |
November 11, 2022
Joshua Wilberge recently sat down with Joshua Batten, a Veteran and BSA Alumnus, to have a conversation on how Scouting helped Mr. Batten prepare for military service.

Eagle Spotlight: Stedman Family Scouting
By: Robin Strachan |
November 8, 2022
For two generations of one Scouting family, achieving the rank of Eagle Scout has been a family affair.

Award Selections | Doing Right vs. Being Right
By: Dan Coberly |
October 19, 2022
Every good Scout and Scout is an idealist. While other people are concerned about being right, we are concerned with doing right.

Ross Perot Jr. receives Distinguished Eagle Scout Award
By: Fort Worth Business Press |
October 14, 2022
Businessman Ross Perot Jr., the driving force behind Alliance Airport and the burgeoning Hillwood real estate development in North Fort Worth, was honored this week for his lifelong involvement with the Boy Scouts.

Eagle Scout living the dream as Philmont cowboy
By: Aaron Derr |
October 10, 2022
“We did the horseback ride and the light bulb just came on in my head. I knew I wanted to be a Philmont wrangler.”

Eagle Spotlight: Joel Sartore
By: Robin Strachan |
October 5, 2022
Eagle Scout Joel Sartore (1977) has devoted his life to saving animals and encouraging people to care about the Earth’s biodiversity. As a National Geographic Explorer and conservation photographer, he has authored numerous books and has contributed photographs to many others. He is also the founder of an ambitious project called the National Geographic Photo Ark that aims to document every animal in human care before the opportunity is lost forever.

Expert shares how to increase the chances of earning a scholarship by writing a good essay
By: Aaron Derr |
October 5, 2022
When reviewing applications for the more than 60 college scholarships offered by the National Eagle Scout Association, a clear trend emerged: What consistently tripped up otherwise excellent applications more than anything else was the essay.

Eagle Scout tackles crucial job while living for weeks under the Arctic ice
By: Aaron Derr |
October 3, 2022
As a mechanic assigned to the Navy’s USS Illinois submarine, Jason Buffi and the rest of his team had an important job: keeping the air in the submarine breathable as it spent three weeks under the Arctic ice.

Lifetime Member is Finalist for America’s Top Young Scientist
By: Trevor Bormann |
September 30, 2022
Eagle Scout Daniel Thomas will compete for the title of America’s Top Young Scientist this October.