NESA Distinguished Service Award
The purpose of the NESA Distinguished Service Award is to recognize those who have given a lifetime of extraordinary leadership and service nationally to NESA, resulting in a significant impact on a national or territorial level. It is awarded for dedicated service over a sustained period of years to NESA, promotion of Eagle Scouting, staying active or returning to Scouting, and/or promoting/helping young people earning the rank of Eagle Scouts. Awards are limited in number and are normally presented during Scouting America’s Annual National Meeting. Unused quotas may not be rolled over to later years.
Reintroduction of the Distinguished Service Award by NESA
In 1976 NESA created this award for service to NESA, which resulted in 25 honorees between 1976 and 1989, after which time the National NESA committee was substantially reorganized. This resulted in the suspension of the award until its reintroduction in 2020. Nationally, there has been an outpouring of support to reinstate the award to better recognize those Leaders (Volunteer and Professional) that further NESA and the Eagle Scout Award, national.

Earning my Eagle Scout Award and learning the values of the Scout Oath and Law were instrumental to my success in life and my work as a surgeon. Still Scouting at 80 years old!
Hal A. Yocum MD, Eagle Class of 1959
DESA, Silver Buffalo, DSA | Last Frontier Council
Nominations for the Award
- Nomination forms must be complete and submitted electronically to the NESA national committee at: ‐ NO LATER than October 31 for recognition the following year.
DSA Recipients
December 2023
DSA Nomination Form
2022 Revision
Recipients will receive a medal, lapel pin, and device worn on Eagle Scout knot (provided by NESA).