The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) is pleased to announce the 2023 Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award winners at the national and service territory levels. NESA created this award to recognize exceptional service by Eagle Scout candidates to religious institutions, schools, communities, or other entities through their Eagle Scout projects.
The selection process starts locally, with Council NESA committees reviewing and selecting a winner for their council. Each council winner becomes eligible for consideration by their respective territory’s NESA scholarship committee. Finally, a special National Eagle Scout Association selection committee chooses the national award recipient from among the territory winners.
Each territory winner will receive a cash prize of $300, while the national winner will receive $3,500. The winners can use these funds for future educational purposes or to attend national or international Scouting events or activities.
2023 National Winner:
Jackson Davis – Greater Tampa Bay Area Council
2023 Territory Winners:
NST 1: Kyler Hester – Far East Council Boy Scouts of America
NST 2: Nicholas Emery Leitch – Grand Canyon Council
NST 3: Jonathan Allyn Fuentes – California Inland Empire Council
NST 4: Dominque Alexander Claseman – Northern Star Council
NST 5: Natalie Giedeman – Greater St. Louis Area Council
NST 6: Xavier Dominic Ntamere – The Pathway to Adventure Council
NST 7: Jaedon Joy – Alamo Area Council
NST 8: Donald Matthew Aguilar Jr. – Last Frontier Council
NST 9: Brenna E Barbey – Buckeye Council
NST 10: Jacob Albert – Greater Niagara Frontier Council
NST 11: Owen R Eldridge – Mayflower Council
NST 12: Ian Matthew Wallace – National Capital Area Council
NST 13: Caitlin Wallis – Garden State Council
NST 14: George Williams – Atlanta Area Council
NST 15: Collin James MacDonald – Colonial Virginia Council
NST 16: Jackson Davis – Greater Tampa Bay Area Council
To learn more about the Service Project of the Year Award, including previous winners, please visit the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award Recipients page. And stay tuned for further coverage of the 2023 award winners by Aaron On Scouting.
Previous Aaron on Scouting Coverage

Let’s look at the awesome projects these Eagle Scout Adams award winners did

2022 Eagle Scout Project of the Year: She built a playground, meditation area for women’s rehab center

2021 Western Region Eagle Scout Project of the Year: Supplying villages with clean water

2021 Central Region Eagle Project of Year: He created a memorial to first responders

2021 Southern Region Eagle Scout Project of the Year: Helping prevent river disasters