NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award
The National Eagle Scout Association established the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA) to commemorate the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th Anniversary in 2010. Since its inception, the award has become an important recognition among Eagle Scouts, recognizing their distinction, with less stringent* requirements required for the prestigious Distinguished Eagle Scout Award (DESA).
Known by its acronym, a NOESA is approved by NESA’s national award committee via nomination through a local council NESA committee. The award is presented solely to Eagle Scouts who demonstrate remarkable achievements well beyond their Scouting endeavors by excelling in their careers/vocations at local, regional, or national levels. NOESA recipients Inspire others through their positive actions, demonstrating excellence in their chosen professions, hobbies, community service, and adherence to religious beliefs. Notable past recipients include authors, explorers, television personalities, military leaders, scientists, medical doctors, academics, clergy, government officials, prominent business figures, and entrepreneurs.
The presentation of the NOESA must be conducted with the honor expected of a national-level award and preferably presented by a Distinguished Eagle Scout or other distinguished citizen. When properly presented in a dignified manner, a local Council’s recognition and related publicity of NOESA recipients serves to elevate the public stature and reputation of Eagle Scouts while enhancing community goodwill.
Such recognition may be posted on
*The DESA requires a 25-year period regarded as the minimum average time necessary to achieve fame, eminence, or distinction within a profession. Additionally, the DESA requires far more rigorous justification, documentation, and investigation before approval.

Recognition as a NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout encouraged me to further give my time, talents, and treasures to support the program I love and have influenced families and youth to be a part of.
Mike Walton
Transatlantic Council (Europe/Africa/Middle East/Central Asia) NOESA recipient/NESA Life Member.
- The nominee must be an Eagle Scout in good standing with the Boy Scouts of America and must either be registered with or have their primary residence within the boundaries of the nominating council.
- There is no specific timeline required to qualify for this award after earning the Eagle Rank. Therefore, in extremely rare cases, it is possible that a truly outstanding youth, such as an Olympic athlete, may be eligible for selection.
- The nominating council should retain details regarding actions and accomplishments that led to the nominee’s consideration for the award. Only the data required by the nomination form should be submitted to the National Eagle Scout Association.
- Nominations must be sent to the National Eagle Scout Association by the council’s designee. Individuals may not submit nominations.
Special Considerations
- Each council NESA committee may present two NOESA honors per year, with an option of awarding an additional NOESA for every 100 Eagle Scout ranks earned, or fraction thereof in excess of 100 awards certified during the previous year. Unused allotments are not carried over into future years.
- Nominees should not be informed of nomination; presentation should only be scheduled after NESA has provided NOESA credentials to the council. Allow two to four weeks for processing.
- Approvals are based on policies and procedures in effect at the time nominations are received by the National Eagle Scout Association.
- The award may be presented at a meeting of the recipient’s peers or at a Scouting function. Presentation should be made within the council submitting the nomination and, whenever possible, by a previous recipient of the award. It is appropriate that the award is presented as part of a fundraising activity.
NOESA Recipients
Through December 2023
NOESA Nomination Form
2023 Revision
Supply Item Description and Uniform Placement
Certificate; Blue ribbon with medal; Outstanding Eagle device worn on Eagle Scout knot; Outstanding Eagle lapel pin.
Supply/bin item no.
NOESA Medal with Ribbon, Lapel Pin, and Device
Councils can purchase the NOESA medal with ribbon (614640), lapel pin (657483), and device (657484) via the National Supply Group’s B2B website, or by calling the main number 1-800-323-0732.
NOESA Certificate
Certificates will be mailed out from NESA after nomination is approved.
More Information
Presentation of the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award to a prominent citizen in your community provides an excellent opportunity to focus attention on Scouting and the recipient. The presentation should thus including planning to gain maximum publicity and visibility for both the local Scout council, and the person honored.
Since the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award is not intended for presentation during a Scouting function, it is important that the council fully cooperate with the local community or business associations to which the recipient belongs and through which the presentation will be made.
The NOESA is a national award presented by a local council. Presentation should be made at a meeting or dinner with the recipient’s peers. The presentation should be dignified and should also be the focus of the event. To maintain the award’s prestige, care should be taken to avoid overshadowing another recognition program such as a Silver Beaver dinner.
Plans should be made well in advance for media coverage including trade or professional print media, radio, television, podcasts/social media.
Following are elements the ceremony should include:
- Inspirational, patriotic opening.
- Explanation of the award.
- Introduction of special or honored guests.
- Recognition of the recipient’s family members present.
- Pointing out the recipient’s contributions to the community, his educational, professional/vocational background, and how he has distinguished himself.
- Presentation of the medal by a distinguished Eagle Scout (if available).
- Response by recipient.
- Inspirational closing.
Local Scout or Scouter Receives Outstanding Eagle Scout Award
(CITY/TOWN, DATE)—(NAME) has been awarded the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award upon nomination by the (COUNCIL NAME) Council and the Boy Scouts of America. This award is granted to Eagle Scouts who distinguish themselves in their life work and who share their talents with their communities on a voluntary basis.
(NAME) has distinguished himself through (his/her) career as a (CAREER NAME/FIELD) and through continued service to God, country, and other people by following the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. (Name) has met community service needs through voluntary actions.
(PROVIDE SPECIFIC DETAILS OF ACCOMPLISHMENT) The National Eagle Scout Association Committee, as part of Alumni Relations at the Boy Scouts of America’s national office, selects recipients of this award.
The Outstanding Eagle Scout Award was implemented in 2010 in conjunction with the Boy Scout of America’s 100th anniversary. The local council in the territory of the Eagle Scout’s primary residence has responsibility for nominations.