As a member of the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA), you have joined a community that holds the Eagle Scout rank in high regard and seeks to make a lasting impact on the world of Scouting. Being a part of this flagship alumni organization offers you many opportunities to get involved and make a meaningful impact on Scouting. This affiliation serves as a testament to your dedication and leadership within the BSA.
The Power of Local NESA Council Committees
The NESA Council Committee plays a pivotal role in furthering the spirit of Scouting and nurturing leadership. To thrive in this role, close collaboration with your Council Executive and Council President is vital. Your primary focus is on promoting Eagle Scout service in ways that inspire fellow Scouts to reach the Eagle rank and embrace NESA membership. If your council doesn’t have an active committee, starting one is encouraged, and the path is made smoother through close engagement with your Council leadership. You can use this Local NESA Committee tool to search for a committee in your council.
Best Practices from Across the Country
Drawing inspiration from successful practices across the nation, let’s explore the key role and functions of a NESA Council Committee:
Identifying and Engaging Eagle Scouts
An effective NESA Committee excels in identifying potential Eagle Scout candidates and connecting with all Eagle Scouts within a local council. Through service and camaraderie, the committee cultivates a community bound by strength through leadership and service, aptly termed “EaglePower.”
Enlisting Eagle Scouts as Leaders
Inactive Eagle Scouts can be a tremendous asset as primary unit leaders. The council’s needs present ample avenues for Eagle Scouts to lead and serve. As a “connector,” the NESA Committee plays a pivotal role in matching available Eagle Scouts with council and district requirements. This alignment is achieved by working closely with Key Three leaders and standing committees such as Training, Advancement, Camping, and more.
Diverse Service Opportunities
Here’s a glimpse of the myriad ways your NESA Committee can contribute:
- Assisting in recruiting and training Merit Badge Counselors or even becoming one
- Organizing events like Camporees and Merit Badge Days
- Guiding Scouts through Life to Eagle transitions
- Identifying sponsors and venues for new units
- Providing leadership during times of transition
- Conducting recruitment programs like “Eagle Searches”
- Supporting or hosting special ceremonies and events
- Backing youth recognition programs
- Assisting with scholarships and awards
- Contributing to Scouting programs for diverse abilities
- Facilitating Camp Inspection committees
- Offering expertise as speakers
- Supporting Eagle Courts of Honor
- Participating in approved fundraising
- Serving on District Boards of Review
- Establishing shared resources
- Engaging new NESA members and fellows
- Participating in BSA Training programs
- Sharing NESA updates with the Scouting community
- Supporting Urban Emphasis Programs
- Assisting with award nominations and selections
Your Commitment in Action
Actively engaging in your local NESA Committee is the best way to make the most of your NESA experience. Your NESA Committee can become a linchpin of support for Scout units and Eagle candidates. While BSA registration isn’t a prerequisite for NESA membership, full participation within local councils mandates registration and Youth Protection Training. You have various registration options available, including a special provision for college students.
In essence, a thriving NESA Council Committee brings the Eagle Scout spirit to life, fueling the growth and development of Scouting while providing invaluable support to both young Scouts and those who have attained the prestigious Eagle rank. Your commitment ensures that Scouting’s legacy continues to shine brightly, making a difference for generations to come.