The recent 10th Normandy Camporee at the World War II site at Normandy, France, is but one of many exciting highlights of a Scout family’s experience while living in the Transatlantic Council (TAC). This year, TAC’s Camporee was recognized by the French Republic with the title “Custodians of Omaha Beach.”
Thousands of American and foreign Scouts, families, and VIPs from around the globe attended the event. Among them was Frank Tsuru, President of the National Eagle Scout Association, who met with Eagle Scouts from TAC and Top Achievers from other Scout associations.
During the camporee, participants were encouraged to tour the historic D-Day Beaches of Juno, Sword, Omaha, Gold, and Utah, their memorials, and numerous historical sites surrounding the area. One of the objectives of the camporee is to ensure Scout units have time to make their own schedule to visit the sites of the D-Day landings.
A variety of special activities take place using a digital passport to help guide a weekend experience.

The weekend program included a Saturday morning campfire on Omaha Beach. (A traditional evening campfire on the beach is not possible due to the tide schedule). Highlights during the campfire included an Arrow of Light / Webelos Crossover ceremony and recognition of those who recently earned the Eagle Scout rank, highlighting new female Eagle Scouts.
The closing ceremony for the camporee was held Sunday morning at the American Cemetery at Colleville sur Mer, where Scouts had the opportunity to lay commemorative wreaths and flowers.
The Transatlantic Council (TAC) is one of three Boy Scouts of America councils serving American families abroad. The council serves 5,100 BSA youth and volunteers. It is based in Brussels, Belgium, and serves American families living in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. To learn more about TAC, visit: